Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last stop: Haiti

We arrived in Haiti a few weeks ago, our last stop before heading home. We were warmly welcomed to the country by a live band in the airport, situated right inside the gates. The music and palm trees remind me of a Caribbean island, but the country itself shares a lot of similarities with Zimbabwe. So much so, noted one gentleman that has been working in-country for the past four years, you could slice Haiti away the Dominican Republic, paste it onto Africa, and no one would ever know.

Children's Hope Orphanage
We are staying within the Children's Hope mission compound on which is an orphanage and a mission house for volunteers like us who come to work. Just outside this compound, but still on their property, lies a clinic that has just been completed (almost). The ministry in Haiti is four years old but their vision, like that of Hippo Valley Christian Mission, is to eventually have Haitians leading the ministry…Haitians helping Haiti. We are excited to be here!

Ellie is enjoying the extra company. A different team, each with a different focus, will arrive every week until we leave in July. Last week the team from Sovereign Grace-Gilbert, our home church, came and scouted out the land for future work here. Jon's parents came with them and saw patients in the clinic. This week a medical team and dentist came. They worked in the clinic two days and are having mobile clinics out in villages two days.  

Rich telling stories to kids at school
Ellie told Grandpa he needed to practice his
handwriting because it's too hard to read

The Sov Grace team ready for adventure
Ellie and I organizing supplies at the medical clinic.
"If I ask what something is for and I really don't want to know,
then just say so," Ellie said  after I explained why and how catheters are used.

21, 22, 23,...

The Children's Hope schools feed the children Manna Packs from Feed My Starving Children. It's been awesome to see the end of the road for the food that we and many of you have packed in Tempe, Arizona. Jon has shown the cooks, kids, and head masters pictures of us packing food.
Ellie with Pastor Mark, holding a Manna Pack in the school kitchen

Ellie doing a craft with the kids at the orphanage

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