Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"Do You Need Money?"

This was shouted across the parking lot by one of Ellie's teachers at school one day after hearing about our plans. I loved it but was, at the same time, humbled by it.  Teachers are not on the list of top-paying professions.  Since then, several of you have asked, “How can we support you?”, “Do you need money?”, “Is there anything you need?”  We are so humbled by your interest and feel very loved.  We know that we are not doing this alone!  We really covet your prayers so please pray for us and the people we are going to serve.  If you feel led to give, we've thought of three different ways to do so: general financial support to help fund our mission; purchase supplies requested by the organizations with which we are partnering (see page titled "Requested Supplies"); or financial support of HVCM and/or CH. Each of these ministries has a link for donations on their website.  Just as a side note, financial gifts made directly to us would not be tax-deductible.

1 comment:

  1. We got your Christmas card today. We will be praying for you and look forward to reading your updates
