Monday, March 9, 2015


This is from Sunday March 1st. We were asked to go to a new church about 25 kilometers from our home in the Village. They began meeting the night before and spent the night singing and praying. We arrived about an hour late due to getting a little lost missing our turn (dirt roads with no signage). This church meets on a covered concrete slab. There were about 25 in attendance, and they were listening to a sermon on the fruit of the Spirit. The sermon was in Shona, or Shonglish since there were a few words in English which is how I knew it was on the fruit of the Spirit. Several people came forward to give their lives to Jesus at the conclusion of the sermon. Baptism after church was already planned for others who had recently given their lives to Jesus. The church walked about a hundred yards to the Chiredzi River for the baptisms. In a land of unlimited adventure baptism is no exception. A few weeks back a crocodile showed up for the baptism service (they threw rocks to keep it at bay until baptisms complete). A few lives have been lost in the area to crocs so we were on alert for the beast. To be honest, I would have had difficulty entering that water without the threat of being eaten. The water was moving, but I am squeamish about a few things and murky water is one.
A few things I pondered while enjoying these people giving their lives to Jesus. First, I wondered if we would go through such barriers to complete this pledge of allegiance. I have been wrestling with Bible verses like Luke 9:23 & 24 about the cost of discipleship. Am I really willing to give it all to Jesus? Would I enter murky croc waters to be his disciple? Yes, I would, and God is graciously leading through verses like these. Do I really love God with all my heart, with all my soul, and all my mind (Deut 6:4 & Mt 22:37)? As I prayed through this verse the other day it seemed to strike me how a love like this would act. Who a person loving God like this would be. The second thing I was faced with watching the baptisms was my cynicism. I wondered if these people were really giving their lives for Jesus or just looking for anything to help them. God reminded me of when I gave my life to Him as an eight year old. I didn't know what I was getting myself into then, but God has led me on a journey to know Him (and obviously still on it).

Okay, these crocs are from farm near this church, not viewed in the river

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